
Empowerment for small NGOs and change agents – YOU are leading healthy development in our communities and environments! 

» The networklearning Library has manuals to build key knowledge and skills.
» We provide links to good information and resources on the web, categorised under Fields and Skills.

» Arabic page   » French page   » Somali page

Feel free to post a question in the forum or contact us if you need our help. But first check the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) because you may find your answer there.

Organisations in the South (Africa, Asia, Southern America, ex-USSR) can download copies free of charge.

In return we ask you to help spread the material to other NGOs you know – those with no printer or bad phone connections, for example.

Organisations in the North: Networklearning has no funding. If you work in an organisation with money and use our materials or see their usefulness for others, please make a contribution (a minimum 4 euros; we will receive the full amount less 5% transaction costs).

CC Attribution NonCommercialCopyright-free for non-commercial use. We are happy for users to re-write, translate or otherwise adapt downloaded material to local cultures. The original authors must be mentioned as well as our website.

We are happy to have other organizations link to our library pages, but in order to prevent out-of-date editions being accessed online, we do not allow publications to be posted on other sites without our explicit permission.

Are you writing – or planning to write – a Manual or a Case Study?

Then we would be very happy to hear from you.
It could be your NGO is coming to the end of a successful project, one where you monitored changes carefully and have the figures to show how you made a difference, putting you in a good position to write a Case Study.
Or maybe you have so much experience, plus the ability to distill it and the desire to share it – to write a manual along the lines of those in our library.
Then send us a short summary of your work – or tell us what you are planning.
But first ask yourself…

Are we working for the same purpose? Networklearning’s purpose is to make resources available, free, to NGOs working in the development or humanitarian fields. Our primary aim is to help individuals and local NGOs in Africa, Asia, South America and the ex-USSR. We do not concentrate on experts from the North working in the South because other websites have that remit.

Is the standard of your document good enough? And if not, are you prepared to re-write, do more research, or agree to a major editing of the English – whatever is necessary? (But if you never collected the statistics it is probably too late!)

Do you agree to the standard Terms of Use that applies to the manuals offered via our library?

We hope to hear from you.
> Contact networklearning