
Empowerment for small NGOs and change agents – YOU are leading healthy development in our communities and environments! 

» The networklearning Library has manuals to build key knowledge and skills.
» We provide links to good information and resources on the web, categorised under Fields and Skills.

» Arabic page   » French page   » Somali page

Publisher of the useful newsletter, Drum Beat, the Communication Initiative Network has recently modernised its website for knowledge sharing, networking and interaction:

It includes over 35,000 knowledge summaries of programme action, strategic thinking, planning models, evaluation/research results, change theories etc across the full range of DEVELOPMENT ISSUES including Children, Conflict, Democracy and Governance, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Gender, HIV/AIDS, Health, Natural Resource Management, New Technologies Rights and others - see

This knowledge is all submtted for sharing through this platform from the network of 70,000 plus people and organisations in 200 plus countries and territories who have joined The CI network.

The knowledge can also be organised by REGION and COUNTRY: click on Regions/Countries and there will be Regions – then click on the Region of interest for sub-regions or countries...