Each KIS gives core information on an aspect of NGO management, in an easy-to-digest format. 3pp. PDF.KIS1: Networking KIS2: Focus Group DiscussionsKIS3: Conflict Matters (also in Arabic)KIS4: Advocacy (also in Arabic)
Published on 07 May 2013 2898 downloads
Localized into Arabic
Translated by Elmubarak Eldaw, May 2013
Published on 23 August 2012 3575 downloads
Translated by Elmubarak Eldaw, August 2012
Published on 06 January 2012 5135 downloads
What is it, why is it important – and the 10 steps to success.
Nicolien Wassenaar,January 2012
Published on 17 November 2010 3479 downloads
Conflict Matters: a guide to what causes organizational conflict – and how we can best respond to resolve and transform problems.
Nicolien Wassenaar,November 2010
Published on 28 February 2008 8544 downloads
Focus Group Discussions: what they are and when to use them, including practical tips and self-critique
Nicolien Wassenaar,February 2008
Published on 20 February 2008 5611 downloads
What you really need to know about Networking