Empowerment for small NGOs and change agents – YOU are leading healthy development in our communities and environments!
» The networklearning Library has manuals to build key knowledge and skills.
» We provide links to good information and resources on the web, categorised under Fields and Skills.
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Networklearning onderneemt lokaal actie – Voedselbos Schoorl sinds 2013
Om woorden in daden te vertalen en de verandering te zijn die we willen zien, is Networklearning een eigen milieuproject aan huis gestart op de grond rondom het woonpand, het voormalige Gemeentelijk Gym Lokaal, Smeerlaan 1 in Schoorl. Zo houden we de ontwikkelingen goed in de gaten!
Making a Research Plan
Our newest manual, Making a Research Plan, is now available for download.
A Research Project is a good way to extend your career, keep yourself from losing your sanity, and enhance your job prospects. After research training, your attitude to everything you do in life will change. To be of maximum benefit to your career it is best if your research is directly related to an essential part of your work. Others have done it – so can you! This booklet explains how to set about it in easy steps.
The Guide to Online Learning, new edition
A new 5th edition of Bryan Walker’s plain-speaking, straightforward guide to the world of online learning is now available for
from our Library.
This book will help you plan your own study programme. It provides strategies to overcome problems, techniques to reinforce the learning process, and support for those wishing to embark on a research project.
Building Sustainability into your NGO
A 5-point plan for Financial, Organisational and Institutional Sustainability for projects and people.
Building skills in your NGO
• Interviewing & counselling • Handling information • Improving English • Organising training & managing activities
Project Cycle Management
The project cycle consists of four stages: 1) assessment and planning, 2) implementation and monitoring, 3) evaluation, and 4) adaptation. Each stage has its own characteristics and requires specific knowledge and skills.
Managing the money
Healthy finances are 'mission-critical' for NGOs – the important questions and resources that will help you.
Checklist: a Human Resources policy for an NGO
It may be the right time for your NGO to start looking at the people it employs in an organised way. Perhaps your NGO needs to develop a Human Resources policy. What issues do you need to consider?
Managing the office
Are you following the principles of good administration?
Managing the People
• Building and sustaining an effective Board • The boss • Conflict resolution • Gender
Problemsolving: SWOTs & Strategic Plans
• Problem-Solving with a SWOT • Making a Strategic Plan • Implementing, Monitoring & Evaluating
Managing the Vision
A 7-point plan for aligning your vision with your mission, strategies and goals.
Money Skills: The Basics
Links to resources for finding the money and training in financial management.
How to make a facilitated group effective
A facilitated group is the most powerful way to bring about behaviour change in its members. Such groups tend to be informal and develop their own norms and rules. They can meet for extended periods.
Human Rights & Poverty
Many of the issues that 'development', 'environmental', 'social justice' and 'human rights' groups work on – these are often one and the same.
Poverty issues in general
Poverty is a cross-cutting issue. NGOs may address it via 'development', 'environmental', 'social justice' and 'human rights' approaches.
“Rights without power are meaningless” is a statement that needs thinking about in the context of children.
Resources for vulnerable children
Are you working with children who have been through catastrophic events – wars, the effects of HIV/AIDS? Here are some effective resources:
What kind of minorities exist where you are? They may be racial, religious or cultural minorities. Or minorities of the disabled, the elderly, homosexuals.
Inclusion (& Exclusion): The Basics
People working in development are finding that two questions are increasingly important. These are: who is included? And, who is left out?
Making your NGO more 'environmentally friendly'
Your organisation has an impact on the environment. How can you make it better?
Setting up a website for your NGO
Some guidance for NGOs…
Guidelines for writing reports
Reports are important management tools for influencing future actions. Through reports, information can be shared and consequently lessons learned.
However, good report writing is not easy and it is very time consuming. In addition, if a report is not easy to read, it probably will not be read at all.
In these guidelines attention is paid to report writing in general and, in particular, to the Project Progress Report.
Self-assessment for established NGOs
You have started your NGO and now want to move to another level, to improve your work. How do you do this – and what does Networklearning have to offer?
Permaculture and sustainable farming resources
'Permaculture' combines the ideas of permanent agriculture and permanent culture.
The importance of Fair Trade
Fair Trade is a small but growing movement that offers a progressive alternative to the conventional model of trade.
Food sovereignty
Food sovereignty refers to the right to produce food on one's own territory. The protection of local biodiversity is key to building natural resistance to turbulent climates and market forces.
The pressures on land use
The world has a limited amount of land available for growing food. And the available land has increasing demands put on it.
The Realities of Fundraising
During the process we describe here, we followed the lines of the folder Guide to Fundraising , which both of us helped to write. For any fundraiser, downloading and studying the guide is the first step.
Before you write that Email requesting Funding
Is you NGO looking for funding? Have you been – or will you be – sending out emails requesting money? Stop for a moment and consider how you do it.
Early Childhood Development
Are you working in the field of Early Childhood Development? Or in a related field – health, education, nutrition? Child Development is important for us all because the future of every country is bound up with the quality of its future adults. We need them to be as healthy as possible, as bright and hard-working and productive as possible.
Assessing a Training Component
National and international consultants are used for evaluations of projects and most have a thorough knowledge of their own specialism. Increasingly, though, projects have training components that also need assessing, even though the consultant is not really a trainer. This paper assumes that s/he is not very knowledgeable and could use a few suggestions.