Training & Learning

Training & Learning

Networklearning is about continuous, self-directed learning amd translating it into practice.
Fo example, you need more information about a group of beneficiaries – and you need skills to gather the information…

During the coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown of people, organisations, schools and universities forced people to spend more time at home. For business necessity and occupational therapy adults and children spent more time on their phones and computers. For example, a final year degree student in Uganda wrote to say that she would have to work at her course online during the week as a consequence of Ugandan Universities shutting down for the time being. The Guide to Online Learning is a plain-speaking straight-forward guide to the world of online learning.


The following relevant books are available for download from this site:

National and international consultants are used for evaluations of projects and most have a thorough knowledge of their own specialism. Increasingly, though, projects have training components that also need assessing, even though the consultant is not really a trainer. This paper assumes that s/he is not very knowledgeable and could use a few suggestions.