Our environment

our environmentThe environment is our physical surroundings. This includes vegetation and wildlife but also unseen natural features like the life in the soil, the quality of the air…
Then there are manmade features like housing, transport, industry.  In some happy communities these co-exist well with the natural environment. Often, they do not. And the process of globalisation is accelerating the destruction of our life-sustaining ‘common wealth’in return for economic gain for the few. 
The challenge for communities is to build self-empowerment and resilience – because nature is vulnerable but also resilient! Access the latest knowledge and recover indigineous knowledge. Identify and address sources of pollution. Develop comunity-building activities which help restore nature, reconnect us with nature… and our own real nature.

Photo: Department for International Development

Om woorden in daden te vertalen en de verandering te zijn die we willen zien, is Networklearning een eigen milieuproject aan huis gestart op de grond rondom het woonpand, het voormalige Gemeentelijk Gym Lokaal, Smeerlaan 1 in Schoorl. Zo houden we de ontwikkelingen goed in de gaten!
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Your organisation has an impact on the environment. How can you make it better?

The world has a limited amount of land available for growing food. And the available land has increasing demands put on it.

'Permaculture' combines the ideas of permanent agriculture and permanent culture.

Food sovereignty refers to the right to produce food on one's own territory. The protection of local biodiversity is key to building natural resistance to turbulent climates and market forces.

Fair Trade is a small but growing movement that offers a progressive alternative to the conventional model of trade.