We appreciate it's not always easy to find everything on our site so here's a quick guidance:
All our manuals (Word and PDF documents) can be found in the Library.
Tip: to find a particular title, instead of scrolling through the whole list you can use the 'Library Themes' menu which appears at the left of the library page.
All our other resources (articles and links to information) are categorized into NGO Fields and NGO Skills.
To locate all the info on a specific keyword, it's quickest to use the searchbox (located at the right on every page).
Difficulty downloading from the Library?
Depending on your own browser settings, when you click on 'Download' the document may open in your browser window instead of being downloaded to your hard disc. If this happens, you can save the PDF to a location of your choice via the browser menu (File > Save As)
Does this solve your problems? If not, please contact us.