For an outline of actvities plus a discussion, see our manual folder Principles and Practice of PHC (Sections 1.3. & 2.2).
If you want to know more about FGM, see our manual folder Facts about Female Genital Mutilation (13pp PDF), also in Arabic and Somali.
"A Book for Midwives " – Care for pregnancy, birth, and women's health. This excellent illustrated resource from Hesperian is also in Spanish.
There are a number of informative pages on EngenderHealth, including contraceptive methods and maternal and sexual health.
Resources available from UNHCR include the manual "Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations" (143pp PDF).
The Population Council works to improve the well-being and reproductive health of current and future generations.
"Understanding our Bodies" (Chapter 4 of "Where Women Have No Doctor") explains women's and men's sexual and reproductive systems, with illustrations.
If you work with young people, get to know the supportive Auntie Stella, a zimbabwean website where friendship, love, sex and relationships are explored and discussed.
Ipas have lots of useful articles on reproductive health and rights.
PATH have an excellent manual, ‘Reproductive Health and Rights: Reaching the Hardly Reached’ (172pp PDF). It looks at needs and approaches with homosexuals, trafficked women, female genital mutilation etc.
Plan International has a section on sexual health and rights
IPPF has resources supporting its mission of "delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare services around the world, fighting for sexual rights"