
The following relevant books are available for download from this site:


folder caring elderlyCaring for the Elderly: Best Practice in Person-centred Care
39 page manual including exercises

folder Caring for People with Physical Disabilities: Best Practice in Person-centred Care
31 page manual

FGM folder Facts about Female Genital Mutilation
Concise and objective information

folder Facts about Homosexuality

folder Health Education for Behaviour Change
29 pages of discussions and exercises

folder Interviewing & Counselling at the Grass Roots
A manual for small groups

folder AIDS – Awareness Game
For small groups led by a facilitator

so you want to be a father folder So you want to be a father…?
A leaflet designed to aid behaviour change

Image folder Simple Devices to Assist the Physically Disabled has dozens of self-explanatory drawings for making devices from scrap materials.