Dear Friends and colleagues in the Middle East and North Africa,
Are you working in an Arab-speaking NGO?
…wishing to look critically at how well you are doing?
We have some good manuals in Arabic for you!
Written by Networklearning and translated by the Beirut office of the National Democratic Institute are:
How to Build a Good Small NGO
(Because it is a big document, you can also download it in three sections)
folder Incorporating Gender into your NGO
Localized by Networklearning:
folder NGO Self-assesment through a SWOT exercise
folder Facts about Female Genital Mutilation
folder Caring for People with Physical Disabilities: Best Practice in Person-centred Care
folder Beginner’s Guide to NGO Financial Capacity
folder An Introduction to Human Rights in the Middle East & North Africa – a Guide for NGOs
folder Interviewing and Counselling at the Grass Roots
folder Refugees from MENA to Northern Europe: Pressures & Solutions
folder Key Information Sheet: Conflict Matters
folder Key Information Sheet: Advocacy
folder Finding Mental Health after Conflict
folder Simple Devices to Assist the Physically Disabled
Also by Networklearning, with volunteer translators:
A Guide to Fundraising
(with thanks to Maytham Al Zubaidi and Asmaa Gillespie)
Colleagues in the Arab world have carried out a study into issues and useful approaches in the field of Domestic Violence. The resulting
is now available in PDF form from our library.
Gender-Sensitive Indicators
in Arabic, co-produced by the World Bank is available in PDF form from our library.
Another manual, produced by another NGO, will help you look at your money:
Mango's "Financial Health Check", also in Arabic.
Hesperian have a number of their manuals now translated into Arabic:
- “Where there is no Doctor”
- “Where Women have no Doctor”
- ”Where there is no Dentist”
- ”Special Education”
- ”Disabled Village Children”
For the above titles, contact Ghanem Bibi
Arab Resource Collective (ARC) Beirut
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. web:
- “Helping Health Workers Learn”
Contact Abd Ilah Hussein Institute for Arab Research P.O. Box 13-5057 (Chouran) Beirut, LEBANON Tel: 810055/6
- “Helping Children Who Are Blind”
Contact Ashraf Mahrous,
P.O. Box 156
, 76th Street #12 ,
El Mukattam, Cairo, 11571
Tel: 00202 25084152
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Tactics in Human Rights offers "A Resource for Practitioners" in Arabic, a collection of 100 stories of successful tactics used for human rights work all over the world – from prevention tactics to intervention tactics, restorative tactics to those that building human rights cultures and institutions.
Other websites with which you might want to keep in touch:
- The Project on Middle East Democracy
- The Middle East page of Human Rights Watch
- EEnet - Documents in Arabic on Education and Teaching, Children & Human Rights.
Let us know…
- which manuals you need next in Arabic
- about good websites to which we could link.